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Changing Change

"Engaging and highly readable!"


Do you love change? If you're like most people, probably not! What you've been told about change is robbing you of power, productivity, and peace. Changing Change is for people who want to escape the vicious cycle and start being awesome. In a casual yet informative style, Darrell Haemer delivers concepts, practical tools, and simple clarity to help you:

  • Understand change as it truly is, instead of how it has been defined for you.

  • Recognize change in your daily life and how to effectively engage with it.

  • Find clarity and power toward achieving your goals.

After reading Changing Change, you'll understand the role change plays throughout your life, and how you can begin to believe and act differently.


I'm a creative, tech-y, analytical, change-loving guy who constantly seeks new challenges. I want to make the world a more inspiring place, and I want people to find value in their work. Creating change through design and leadership is how I'm working on that.

I wrote Changing Change for the person who wants to improve. Hopefully that's you, and I'd love to hear how it has helped you.


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